The other day was a bit interesting. I wasn't feeling well so I was more prone to wandering around aimlessly. I saw a few things that stuck with me through the sickly haze.
I saw a woman walk across our parking lot. This is not strange in itself. What was strange about it is that she was rapidly tapping her glass eye the entire time. How do I know it was a glass eye you ask? The answer is easy... I could hear it clinking 25 to 30 yards away.
A lady came in and asked if she could dig through our trash looking for cans. Ok... so why would you look through our dumpsters when we don't sell canned products. All our beverages are bottled. Sure go right ahead. Have fun!
The Boss Lady's new boss has decided that Lisa is going to train all our cooks from now on. *twitch* The same Lisa that cost us over 300 dollars in food cost in one week. The same Lisa who can't keep up on a Tuesday night because "we are to busy" (For those playing the home game, Tuesday nights are one of our slowest nights for Pizza. They are so slow in fact that we do a Buffet that night to try and raise business.) Sometimes I wish it was legal to carry a concealed shovel.
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