Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Like an Ice Pick in the Ear

   We had a managers meeting the other day at House of a Thousand Pizzas. It started all well and good. The Boss Lady said it was going to be a one sided meeting, and it started out that way and all was good. As least it started good. Then #2 started speaking, and it just went downhill. Her excuses seemed to center around, "This store is in the Ghetto and I don't belong here." I have to be real careful with what I say about certain people. I just wish I had the shovel that day. For those of you playing the home game, Madison, TN is not the ghetto. It is not even close to the ghetto. It does have a large population of ignorant individuals. By the end of the meeting I just wanted to stick ice picks in my ears to get the sound of #2's voice out of my head.  Ugh

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